Below is a list of most common messages, followed by their descriptions. If
a message you are interested in is not documented, please let us know.
error(errForeignReq): ``foreign request''
A "foreign request" error indicates that a Polygraph server has
received a request that does not look like anything a Polygraph
client (or a proxy on behalf of a client) would produce. To detect
a Polygraph client request, servers look for Poly-specific URL
format and Poly-specific HTTP extension header fields.
You should not be getting "foreign request errors" on no-proxy
runs. If you get this error with a proxy in the loop, you may want
to investigate what requests the proxy is sending that the server
does not recognize. Enabling the --dump errs option
in polysrv may help.
error(errForeignRep): ``foreign reply''
A "foreign reply" error indicates that a Polygraph client has
received a reply that does not look like anything a Polygraph
server (or a proxy on behalf of a server) would produce. To detect
a Polygraph server response, clients look for Poly-specific HTTP
extension header fields.
You should not be getting "foreign reply errors" on no-proxy
runs. If you get this error with a proxy in the loop, you should
investigate what responses the proxy is sending that the client
does not recognize. Enabling the --dump errs option
in polyclt may help.
The most common source of "foreign reply" errors is a proxy
generating a proxy-specific error page. For example, a proxy may
report server side connectivity errors or an overload condition.
We have also seen products that send a company ad as a part of the
response for the first request from a given IP address.
error(errIcpForeignReq): ``foreign ICP request''
ICP request contains valid URL, but that URL was not in
Polygraph format. Specifically, Polygraph failed to extract object
identifier from the URL. Perhaps a non-Polygraph-aware client is
submitting ICP requests to Polygraph agent?
error(errIcpForeignRep): ``foreign ICP reply''
ICP reply contains valid URL, but that URL was not in Polygraph
format. Specifically, Polygraph failed to extract object
identifier from the URL. This should not happen because Polygraph
requests URLs of valid format only.
error(errHttpRLine): ``malformed HTTP request or response line''
This error indicates that a Polygraph client received HTTP
response headers but could not extract the protocol version or the
response code from the headers. For example, an ``HTTP/1.1 200
OK'' response line indicates that the protocol version is ``1.1''
and the response code is ``200''.
You should not be getting "malformed HTTP request" errors
during no-proxy runs. If you get this error with a proxy in the
loop, you should investigate what responses the proxy is sending
that the client cannot parse. Enabling the
--dump errs option in polyclt may help.
At this time, Polygraph servers do not emit this error, but
that may change.
error(errMisdirRequest): ``misdirected request''
Polygraph origin server received request with the
Host: header field that does not match server's
error(errForeignHostName): ``foreign host name''
The request is for the object at an address (i.e., the
host:port pair) that receiving Polygraph process does not
error(errBadHostName): ``failed to parse host name''
Polygraph failed to parse the host component of the URL in an
ICP message. At the time of writing, only IP addresses are
recognized and FQDNs are not supported.
error(errPrematureEof): ``premature end of msg body''
Transmission of HTTP message body terminated before the entire
message was received. Usually means that the TCP connection was
closed before polyclt read the response.
error(errPrematureEoh): ``premature end of msg header''
Transmission of HTTP message header terminated after receiving some
portion of the message header but before the entire message header was
received. For example, if a proxy closes the connection after sending
the response status line but before sending the rest of the HTTP
response header, a Polygraph client will detect this error. HTTP
persistent connection races are a common reason for this error, as
discussed elsewhere.
error(errExtraRepData): ``extra reply data''
This message will be documented on-demand.
error(errNoHdrClose): ``connection closed before sending headers''
The TCP connection got terminated when Polygraph tried to read
the beginning of the next message header on a persistent
connection. The most likely reason for the latter is a race
condition allowed by HTTP: A server (proxy) may close an idle
persistent connection after the client (proxy) sent the request
but before the request reached the other end. Since this kind of
error is normal for HTTP operation, you may ignore small number of
error(errNoCLen): ``missing Content-Length header''
Client received a response with no Content-Length HTTP
header field. All ``200 OK'' Polygraph responses have
Content-Length header. All ``304 Not modified'' Polygraph
responses do not. However, at the time of writing, the client
should not be receiving 304 replies because the client does not
send If-Modified-Since requests.
The usual cause of this error are various error pages generated
by a proxy (see also errForeignRep message). Note
that polyclt checks for Content-Length header before it
checks whether the response is ``foreign''.
error(errHugeHdr): ``HTTP header is too big''
Polygraph ran out of I/O buffer space (16KB) before an
HTTP header terminated.
error(errUnchbHit): ``hit on uncachable object''
Polygraph request for an uncachable object was satisfied with a
cached response.
Polysrv marks uncachable objects with the following HTTP
Cache-Control: private,no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
At least one proxy is known not to ignore this header and
sometimes return cached objects anyway.
error(errReloadHit): ``hit on reload request''
Polygraph attempt to ``reload'' an object was satisfied with a
cached response.
Polyclt marks ``reload'' requests with the following HTTP
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Many proxies are known to ignore some ``reload'' requests,
especially under peak loads.
error(errFalseHit): ``false hit''
Polyclt first request for a cachable object was satisfied with
a cached response.
A typical cause is when two concurrent requests for the same
cachable object are satisfied in the reverse order, resulting
(from polyclt perspective) in a false hit and a false miss.
This is not a real error in most environments, and it's
detection is not enabled by default.
error(errServerGone): ``server had to terminate''
This message will be documented on-demand.
error(errLogBufFull): ``log buffer is full''
This message will be documented on-demand.
error(errNidMapLimit): ``a server-advertised oid has not been requested for a while''
Polygraph robots ``reserve'' object identifiers (oids) on
servers. In other words, a server pre-allocated oids to be later
requested by a robot. If a robot does not request the reserved
object for a long time, the server complains.
Polygraph attempts to increase internal oid buffers to keep oid
reservations longer, to adapt to current run conditions. If you
get just a few of these errors in the beginning of a run, ignore
them. If you continue to get the errors despite stable request
rate, something is broken. Check that reply rate is close to
request rate. That is, check that there is no backlog of
unsatisfied requests.
Occasional errors of this kind are also unavoidable if you have
other transaction errors. If a request is ``lost'' before reaching
the server, polyclt would think it has requested an oid and might
not requested it ever again.
error(errSrvChangedWid): ``client discovered server world id change''
Server world id is a unique identifier attached to each server.
The identifier is unique across simulations. It is reported back
to robots using extension HTTP extension header fields.
If you restart polysrv while polyclt is
running, the latter will notice the change and will complain.
Polyclt should be able to recover on its own, but do not restart
servers during production runs.
error(errForeignTag): ``foreign content <tag>''
Polysrv inserts Polygraph-specific tags into the body of some
responses. If those tags cannot be recognized by a robot, this
error is reported.
Unless it is a Polygraph bug, the error means that the proxy is
modifying content (i.e., response bodies) on-the-fly. This should
not be happening.
error(errMalformedTag): ``malformed content <tag>''
Same as errForeignTag
message, except a robot failed even to parse the tag (wrong tag
error(errOpenTag): ``open content <tag''
This is a particular instance of the errMalformedTag message. A
tag is missing its closing bracket, ``>''.
error(errContentLeftovers): ``content syntax error at end of message body''
Polygraph got the expected number of response bytes, but failed
to parse the content. For example, a markup tag may have remained
opened until the end of the response body. These errors should be
accompanied by more details from the parser responsible for
handling the given response body encoding or content type.
error(errChunkHugeToken): ``huge token in chunked encoded message''
Polygraph complains that the connection I/O buffer is full but
the chunked encoding parser is unable to make progress. This can
happen, for example, when a chunked encoding is missing a
mandatory delimiter, and the parser keeps waiting for them until
the buffer gets full. This error may indicate chunked encoding
parser bugs or a corrupted message body encoding.
error(errUnreachContType): ``unreachable content type''
A robot found an embedded URL in the container object received
from the server. The URL pointed to an object of a certain content
type. The robot checked whether the server can produce an object
of that type and found out that the server cannot. The robot will
try to request some other object from the same server instead.
In the context of this description, the server means "visible"
server (i.e., whatever names you list in the origins
field of the robot configuration). Using AddrMap, a
visible server may be mapped into several real servers, of
Check that the servers behind the visible name have the content
type that robot is asked to retrieve. Start with looking at the
contents field of the corresponding server
error(errTooManyWaitXact): ``too many postponed xactions''
The per-robot queue that keeps transactions waiting for
resources got reached wait_xact_lmt limit (PGL robot's
configuration field) and hence cannot grow any more. You need to
decrease request rate, increase the number of connections
available to a robot, or do something else to resolve the
bottleneck unless you have deliberately used a low
wait_xact_lmt value.
Transactions that exceed the limit are ignored (never
error(errTimingDrift): ``internal timers may be getting behind''
Polygraph maintains many alarms and timers for internal
scheduling purposes. If those timers start getting behind (i.e.,
the events are not executed on time, getting late), you get this
error. You are probably overloading Polygraph process or the
machine that process runs on.
error(errSiblingViolation): ``violation of a sibling relationship''
Polygraph proxy was requested to serve an object that could not
be served from the proxy's cache. At the time of writing, such
requests are refused.
error(errStaleHit): ``stale object''
Polygraph robots complain about stale hits if the value of the
Date: header in HTTP response is less than the last
modification time (LMT) of the corresponding object and
the corresponding request was issued after the object was
modified. Note that Polygraph robots compute LMT based on object
ID and completely ignore the Expires: or
Last-Modified: HTTP headers. Real Expires:
headers usually lie and a Last-Modified: header is
necessarily stale if the response is stale so both cannot be
The above staleness condition excludes cases where the object
became stale (i.e., was modified) in-transit. This is by
design as we do not want to test HTTP robustness here.
"Stale object" errors do not affect traffic on the wire.
Polygraph 2.7.3 probably has bugs related to the logic above
and reports stale objects when it should not. We are working on a
error(errHttpStatusCode): ``unsupported HTTP status code''
HTTP status code is a property of an HTTP response that
determines how the response should be interpreted. HTTP defines
many status codes. Polygraph robots support (and Polygraph servers
emit) several status codes (e.g., ``200 OK'' and ``304 Not
Modified''). Under normal operating conditions it is unlikely that
other status codes will reach client side of the bench.
The ``unsupported HTTP status code'' errors usually occur when
the device under the test attempts to report an unusual condition
(such as a network misconfiguration or connectivity error) back to
the Polygraph robot. To determine what that unusual condition is,
use the --dump errs option on the client side.
error(errIcpRepCode): ``unsupported ICP opcode''
ICP reply contains unsupported opcode. At the time of writing,
only three opcodes are supported: hit, miss, and
error(errIcpVersion): ``unsupported ICP version''
ICP message has unsupported ICP version number. Only version
2 of the protocol is supported at the time of writing.
error(errIcpMsgSize): ``bad ICP message size''
ICP message has invalid size. The size is either smaller than
2 bytes or does not match the message length
header field.
error(errIcpBadReqNum): ``bad ICP reqnum''
The reqnum field of an ICP reply is negative or is out
of the range used by the Polygraph ICP client.
error(errIcpRepOverlap): ``ICP client may have too many outstanding requests''
Reqnum conflicts in ICP client metadata may indicate
that Polygraph cannot keep information about all pending ICP
transactions. The same error may also indicate that an ICP reply
was delivered very late, when the slot for corresponding request
was already occupied by another request.
error(errIcpUnexpMsg): ``unexpected message to an ICP agent''
An ICP server received an ICP reply or an ICP client received
an ICP request. Check your ICP ports configuration.
error(errSyncDate): ``clocks out of sync''
A Robot has detected a suspicious difference between the client
and server side clocks. Specifically, a ``first hand'' response
from a server had the Date: header more than a minute behind or
ahead of the local time (the difference is displayed after the
error message).
There are at least two possible reasons for this error
Client and server side clocks are indeed out of sync.
Run date command on all hosts to check if they are in
It took the Robot more than a minute to receive
response headers after the response was issued on the server
side. If one minute response time (for small misses) is not
normal for your workload, you need to find the source of the
delay and remove/fix it. You might be overloading the proxy or
Polygraph; does the error occur when the load significantly
If a proxy changes the value of the server's Date:
header on misses, replace the word ``server'' with ``proxy'' in
the narration above.
It is a good idea to ensure that all machines running Polygraph
processes and the device under test have synchronized
clocks. A simple way to do that is to synchronize their clocks
just before running a test using Unix ntpdate command or
similar. However, this method does not work well for tests lasting
longer than an hour because clocks may drift apart fast.
A better way to ensure clock synchronization is to run an NTP
daemon such as Unix ntpd. You can configure
all machines to synchronize with one designated "master" host. A
machine from where you start and monitor the test is a good
candidate to become a master. Synchronizing the master host with
some external host that has accurate clock is optional. Doing so
will not affect individual tests, but will make their timestamps
"correct" relative to true Earth time. Instructions on how to
use ntpd with Polygraph on FreeBSD are available
error(errAuthBug): ``internal authentication state error''
Polygraph client detected an unexpected authentication state. This
error implies a bug in Polygraph code.
error(errOriginAuthHeaders): ``origin authentication without authenticate headers''
The robot received an HTTP 401 "Unauthorized" response without a
WWW-Authenticate header. Such responses are illegal per Section 10.4.2
of RFC 2616.
error(errProxyAuthHeaders): ``proxy authentication without authenticate headers''
The robot received an HTTP 407 "Proxy Authentication Required"
response without a Proxy-Authenticate header. Such responses are illegal
per Section 10.4.8 of RFC 2616.
error(errOriginAuthWoutCreds): ``origin authentication with anonymous robot''
The robot received an HTTP 401 "Unauthorized" response. The robot has
no credentials configured and, hence, is unable to authenticate itself
with the server.
error(errProxyAuthWoutCreds): ``proxy authentication with anonymous robot''
The robot received an HTTP 407 "Proxy Authentication Required". The
robot has no credentials configured and, hence, is unable to
authenticate itself with the proxy.
error(errForbiddenWoutCreds): ``access forbidden to an anonymous robot''
The robot received an HTTP 403 "Forbidden" response. The robot has
no credentials configured (and the server apparently has not asked
the robot to authenticate).
error(errForbiddenBeforeAuth): ``access forbidden before authentication was started''
The robot received an HTTP 403 "Forbidden" response. The robot has
credentials but was unable to authenticate itself because it did not
received an HTTP 401 "Unauthorized" or 407 "Proxy Authentication
Required" response before.
error(errOriginAuthAfterAuth): ``origin re-authentication requested after authentication''
The robot received an HTTP 401 "Unauthorized" response after the
authentication has already been completed with valid credentials.
error(errProxyAuthAfterAuth): ``proxy re-authentication requested after authentication''
The robot received an HTTP 407 "Proxy Authentication Required"
response after the authentication has already been completed with valid
error(errForbiddenAfterAuth): ``access forbidden after authentication was completed''
The robot received an HTTP 403 "Forbidden" response after the
authentication has already been completed with valid credentials.
error(errForbiddenDuringAuth): ``access forbidden while authentication was in progress''
The robot received an HTTP 403 "Forbidden" response while the
authentication was in progress. This error is possible during NTLM but
not Basic authentication.
error(errOriginAuthDenied): ``origin authentication failed: access denied with valid credentials''
Polygraph failed to authenticate with an origin server. Valid
credentials were sent and authentication was expected to succeed.
This generic error has been replaced with more specific ones in
Polygraph v4.0. Please see the Authentication states and
errors section on the Authentication page for more
error(errProxyAuthDenied): ``proxy authentication failed: access denied with valid credentials''
Polygraph failed to authenticate with a proxy server. Valid
credentials were sent and authentication was expected to succeed.
This generic error has been replaced with more specific ones in
Polygraph v4.0. Please see the Authentication states and
errors section on the Authentication page for more
error(errOriginAuthAllowed): ``origin authentication failed: access allowed with invalid credentials''
Polygraph was able to authenticate with an origin server. Invalid
credentials were sent and authentication was expected to fail.
error(errProxyAuthAllowed): ``proxy authentication failed: access allowed with invalid credentials''
Polygraph was able to authenticate with a proxy server. Invalid
credentials were sent and authentication was expected to fail.
error(errNegativePhase): ``too many errors''
The current test phase reached its negative goal (e.g., the number of
errors exceeded the specified threshold). This event is not an error as
such, but is recorded as an error to attract attention to the "failed
test" state.
Polygraph process that encountered this error will quit, but it is
possible that other Polygraph processes keep running and record
reasonably looking results. However, once this error is reported, the
test as a whole should be treated as failed.
error(errFtpHugeCmd): ``FTP command is too big''
A single FTP command exceeded Polygraph I/O buffer space
(16KB). This error indicates a malformed FTP command (FTP client
bug) or corrupted FTP state (Polygraph bug).
error(errFtpPrematureEndOfMsg): ``premature end of FTP message''
An FTP connection was closed after an incomplete (i.e., partial or
truncated) FTP message was received.
error(errFtpPrematureEndOfCtrl): ``premature closure of FTP control channel''
An FTP control channel was closed when Polygraph was expecting an FTP
error(errFtpNoArgument): ``missing FTP command argument''
An FTP command was received without a required argument. For example,
a RETR command was missing a file name.
error(errFtpMode): ``unsupported transfer mode''
Polygraph received an FTP TYPE command with unsupported type
character(s). At the time of writing, Polygraph supports binary transfer
mode only (I or L 8 characters).
error(errFtpCommandNotImplemented): ``FTP command not implemented''
An FTP command is not supported by Polygraph. Please contact
developers if your tests require support for this command or configure
the proxy to avoid it.
error(errFtpCmdSequence): ``bad FTP command sequence or state''
Polygraph entered an unexpected FTP state. The most likely cause is a
Polygraph bug or an unsupported FTP command sequence. Collecting a
packet trace may help the developers to triage the problem, especially
if there are no other errors.
error(errFtpCommandFailed): ``FTP command failed''
An FTP server replied with a status code that indicated command
failure or simply was not expected. Check the proxy and server for
related errors.
error(errFtpBadPasv): ``bad FTP PASV reply''
Polygraph successfully received but failed to parse an FTP PASV
command response. Collecting a packet trace may help the developers to
triage the problem.
error(errFtpNoDataXfer): ``FTP exchange terminated w/o data transfer''
FTP transaction completed successfully but did not contain RETR or
STOR commands. It is possible that a proxy was probing Polygraph server
features. Please contact developers if your tests require support for
this kind of probes or configure the proxy to avoid probing.
error(errSslSessionResume): ``failed to resume an SSL session, continuing anyway''
Polygraph failed to resume an SSL session. There should be more
information logged after the error message, including the peer
This error does not terminate the connection because OpenSSL should
be able to renegotiate the session information.
error(errSslIo): ``SSL I/O failure''
SSL read or write operation failed. There should be more information
logged after the error message. Connection I/O errors usually lead to
the failure of the corresponding transaction.
error(errOther): ``unclassified error''
Polygraph lacks code to pinpoint or classify the error but knows that
something went wrong. This error should be accompanied by details that
may help diagnose the problem. Often fatal.
warning(warnPortBind): ``failed to bind to X:Y''
The bind(2) system call failed.
You must be using an explicit port range (see the --ports
option) if you are getting this error in recent Polygraph releases.
Consider increasing the explicit port range and/or using more agent IP
Occasional warnings of this kind are probably due to some kernel race
conditions that cannot be completely eliminated regardless of the port
mapping scheme.
warning(warnBufPoolGrew): ``buffer pool grew to N x B = S''
Polygraph warns you that it had to allocate a yet another chunk
of memory to be used for I/O buffers.
Polygraph will need more memory if there are more connections
``stalled'' in non-idle state. Check that you have enough memory
to support desired request rates. Make sure that the Polygraph
process does not page.
Not all allocated memory will be used immediately. Process
``resident size'' may grow slower than the reported buffer pool
warning(warnIgnoringUse): ``warning: ignoring use() of X''
Polygraph ignored a use() function call. The warning is
followed by the reason why the call was ignored. This warning is
harmless if your (usually generated) workload is designed to
use() unusable objects such as Server agents with no
fyi(fyiAgentStart): ``agent[N] Kind starting on Host''
Just an indication that an agent (robot or server) of the
specified ``kind'' is ready to work on the specified host.
The message does not mean that a robot will start submitting
requests immediately. Launch windows and other reasons may delay
the first request.
fyi(fyiSrvScanProgr): ``server scan is probably X% completed with N out of S servers (Y%) ready to be hit''
At startup, active robots are trying to contact all servers to
make sure that any robot can re-visit a page on any server after
the scan is completed. During this time, the servers allocate new
object identifiers and report them to clients. The process is not
deterministic due to possible delays and errors. That is why
Polygraph cannot give you an exact progress indication or ETA. The
scan will continue until N is equal to S.
Note that polyclt locks current (usually the first) phase until
the scan is completed. Unfortunately, at the time of writing,
polysrv has no clue that the initial scan is going on and does not
lock the phase.
fyi(fyiSrvScanCompl): ``server scan completed with all R local robots ready to hit all S servers''
The initial server scan is complete. Polyclt will start its
normal mode of operation and unlock the current phase.
fyi(fyiMinWss): ``min `direct' objects in working set: global public: G local private: L''
Polyclt reports its current knowledge of the Working
Set Size (WSS). The counters are kept for direct objects
only. That is, embedded objects are not accounted for in this
message. ( Note, however, that the size estimation uses
average object size from the ``fill'' statistics that does include
embedded objects. )
Two classes of objects are distinguished: public and
private. Public URL space is shared among all Robots.
All polyclt processes should have similar values for
public WSS at any given time (subject to synchronization delays
among distributed polyclts.)
Private objects are specific or local to every (Robot, Server)
pair. Polyclt reports the sum of all local private
working set sizes (i.e., the sum across all robots within the
corresponding polyclt process).
How does one get the total WSS based on the FYI message above?
Here is an imprecise formula that you may use:
Objects_Per_Direct_Object = 1.6
Working_Set_Count = Objects_Per_Direct_Object * (G + N*L)
Working_Set_Size = Mean_fill_object_size * Working_Set_Count
Where Objects_Per_Direct_Object is taken from
PolyMix-2,3 workloads and may differ for other workloads.
N is the number of identically configured polyclts.
Mean_fill_object_size is usually about 11KB, but
also depends on the workload; check your stats.
At the time of writing, Report Generator does not report actual
WSS, but we are working on it.
Caching just WSS worth of data is not sufficient to achieve
perfect hit ratios because WS is not updated in an LRU,FIFO,etc.
fyi(fyiExpectingSsl): ``fyi: expecting SSL proxy or server at X''
Polygraph expects that an SSL proxy or server is listening on the
reported address. This means that an SslWrap is specified for that proxy
or server in the workload.
If you are getting SSL handshake errors, check that Polygraph
expectations match your proxy or server configuration at the specified
fyi(fyiSuppressingExpectingSsl): ``fyi: suppressing further reports about expected SSL proxies and servers''
Polygraph stops printing "expecting SSL proxy or server"
messages after a few lines and warns the user that other SSL proxies or
servers may be present in the test even though they are not
fyi(fyiExpectedSslCount): ``fyi: expecting N SSL proxies and/or servers''
The total number of SSL proxies and servers Polygraph expects.
fyi(fyiAddressHaveNoInterfaceName): ``fyi: these N address(es) have no interface names''
The reported agent addresses have no interface name and, hence,
Polygraph will not attempt to crease IP aliases for them. If those
addresses do not exist when the test starts, the corresponding agents
will not be activated often leading to reduced request rates or requests
to non-existent servers.
fyi(fyiFirstHealthCheck): ``fyi: first health check received from N''
Polygraph reports the first health check message received. To be
considered a health check, the URL path must start with the word
Polygraph robots do not perform health checks (unless a health check
URL is added to the URL trace). If the proxy should not emit health
checks, check its configuration.
Polygraph servers ignore health check URLs and respond as if the
--ign_urls command-line option was specified.
fyi(fyiRanOutOfFtpSockOrPorts): ``fyi: FTP server ran out of sockets or ephemeral ports at N''
Polygraph FTP server at the specified address could not create, bind,
or configure a listening socket for the data stream. This usually means
that there were no ephemeral (i.e., assigned by OS) ports left at that
address. Increase the OS ephemeral port range (OS dependent), use more
FTP server addresses in PGL, or lower load to avoid this problem.
fyi(fyiFirstCookieCached): ``fyi: the first cookie cached, cookie C, number of cookies N''
A robot received and stored the first cookie. This event is reported
once in polyclt process lifetime.
fyi(fyiFirstFreshCookiePurged): ``fyi: the first fresh cookie evicted, cookie C, number of cookies: n/N''
A robot purged the first fresh cookie. This event is reported once in
polyclt process lifetime. The robot may purge a fresh cookie
when robot's cookie storage is full and a new cachable cookie is
received. To free storage space, the robot purges the oldest cookie.
The robot reports the number of cookies in its cache and the total
number of cookies cached by polyclt.
fyi(fyiFirstStaleCookiePurged): ``fyi: the first stale cookie evicted, cookie C, number of cookies: n/N''
A robot purged the first stale cookie. This event is reported once in
polyclt lifetime. A cookie is stale if it has been in robot's
cache longer than its Max-Age or Expires parameter
allows. The robot purges stale cookies when sending cookies to the
server and may also purge them to free cache space to store a cachable
cookie it received.
The robot reports the number of cookies in its cache and the total
number of cookies cached by polyclt.